If it's strange, weird, or unbelieveable....I've seen it! I seem to encounter odd things in my life. This is a place for me to share them with you.

Friday, April 18, 2008

To Orange Park and Back

During one of my trips home to Jacksonville it was decided that my mother, grandmother, and I would go to the Orange Park Mall. Okay, we always go shopping when I visit, I know! This time was a little on the abnormal side.

While on I295 headed to the mall, we drive past several fields. In one of them I see a dead cow. I mean "rigor mortis" dead cow. I'm talking about this cow lying on his back, feet sticking straight in the air dead cow. I promptly bring this to every one's attention. To my dismay no one else saw it! I was very disappointed that I was the only vehicle occupant to see this cow. This did ensue into a conversation of how I see strange things that most people don't get to witness (ie: Horse in bathroom, alligator eating bird). As we arrive to our destination, the dead cow was quickly replaced in our minds with Clearance Racks.

We went to a few other places that day and drove back home via the back roads. We were only a few turns away from the house when we were stopped at a red light. This very old, very beat up truck was coming towards us in the lane going the opposite direction. It looked like this man had every single one of his possessions in this clunker of a truck.

The truck wasn't moving very quickly as the driver had just turned onto the road. All of the sudden the driver leaps out of the truck! The truck is still, moving mind, you as the man rips off his t-shirt and loses a shoe during his dauntless exit. It isn't until he's running beside his truck smacking the hood with his t-shirt that we realize his truck is actually on fire. Smoke and flames are shooting out of the hood.

The light turns green. We drive quickly away so we don't explode along with this refuse of a truck. I state to my mother and grandmother: "You only got to see this because I am in the car."

I can still hear their laughter.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for the entertainment you provide when you come for a visit : )