If it's strange, weird, or unbelieveable....I've seen it! I seem to encounter odd things in my life. This is a place for me to share them with you.

Friday, February 8, 2008

25 Cent Toy Machines

As kids we all love the machines that you can put a quater in and get something back! Since we don't have our own money we beg and beg for 25 cents from our parents. You might get candy, rings, stickers, tatoos, or any other form of a cheap surprise. All of this wonderment for just a quarter!

Why do I describe this childhood (well I still like those machines lol) delight? To tell you that there is one quarter machine my mother wished that she never gave my brother a quareter for. One day my brother got a plastic cockroach from a quarter machine. I guess Floridians find plastic cockroaches amusing since we're riddled with live ones . At any rate, he got this cockroach and left it in the container in our van. It proceeded to stay in the van for a long enough period of time that the whole family forgot it was there.

One sunny afternoon my mom was driving her and I home from some place or another. I was sitting in the passanger seat next to her talking. While we were talking I noticed one of the 25 cent machine containers. I discovered our plastic cockroach! This was the point I turned into Evil Chrissy. She only comes out when inspired and boy was I inspired.

My mother hates bugs: big bugs, little bugs, long bugs, short bugs, and espcially cockroach bugs! While speaking to her and distracting her, Evil Chrissy secretly takes out the plastic cockroach and stealthly puts in on her lap. I then proceed to point and scream....


My mommie looks down (while driving mind you) and screams louder than I've ever heard her scream. Her hands are in the air off of the steering wheel. At this point we are driving over the little bridge before turning into our subdivision and the van is swerving to the edge.


Through my laughter she realizes it's the toy and regains control of the van. Much to my surprise and dismay she did not give me the much deserved slap upside the head. I think she was too relieved that it wasn't a real cockroach. Now that I think of it, I'm surprised she didn't have a heart attack. I quickly turned back into Good Chrissy and continued laughing.

Of course now that my Magnificant Mommie reads this she probably will hit me in hindsight. When you see me again I'll show you my bruise. Just be warned, always keep track of what your kids buy from those "harmless" 25 cent toy machines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.